What Is the Recommended ADHD Treatment for Adults?

Treatment recommendations for this disorder are similar regardless of age. In most cases, doctors advise people with ADHD to use a combination of medication, therapy, and life skills training to manage their symptoms.

If you were originally diagnosed as a child, it’s important to remember that the ADHD medication for kids that you took may not have the same effects as you age. Your brain changes over time, which can also lead to shifts in your symptoms. Your doctor may recommend a different ADHD medication for adults, especially if your original medication doesn’t seem to be providing as many benefits as it once did.

What Do ADHD Meds Do?

ADHD medications aren’t designed to cure the disorder. Instead, they’re made to help you manage your symptoms more effectively. ADHD medications affect the body’s levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, two neurotransmitters which are closely associated with ADHD symptoms. Most adults who take meds for ADHD find that their symptoms decrease while their medications are active.

Can You Treat ADHD Without Medication?

There are options for ADHD treatment without medication. Typically, this includes natural remedies for ADHD, like nutrition and lifestyle changes, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for adults.

Keep in mind, however, that the most successful ADHD treatments almost always include both medications and behavior management. If you’re not getting the results you want without meds, you may want to consider trying them to help manage your symptoms.

Types of ADHD Medication for Adults

There are two types of medication for adult ADHD:

  • Stimulants: These are the most common ADHD medications, and they also work the fastest. There may be an adjustment period while you get the dosage right, and side effects can include loss of appetite, headaches, jitteriness, moodiness, trouble sleeping, and increases in pulse and blood pressure.
  • Non-stimulants: This type of adult ADHD medication doesn’t work as quickly, but it can be a good fit for people who don’t tolerate stimulants well or who shouldn’t take stimulants due to a health condition, such as high blood pressure, anorexia, bipolar disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, or substance abuse problems.

What’s the Best ADHD Medication for Adults?

Various medicines for ADHD work differently for different people. For many patients, it’s a process of trial and error to not only find the right dosage, but also the right ADHD medicines.

Adderall, Ritalin, and Concerta medication are some of the most common medications for ADHD in adults. However, there are many other ADHD medication types available, including Dexedrine, Evekeo, Quillivant, Strattera, Focalin, and Vyvanse medication.

In order to find the best meds for adult ADHD, you’ll need to work closely with your doctor to discuss your unique needs. Be upfront about your experiences when you try a new ADHD medication (stimulant or non-stimulant) so your doctor can either adjust the dosage or recommend another type of ADHD medication.

Are There Any OTC ADHD Meds?

There are a number of supplements which are marketed as over-the-counter ADHD medication. While some people with ADHD may find these supplements to be helpful, they will not produce the same type of effects as prescription ADHD medicine for adults.

If getting a prescription for ADHD has proven to be difficult for you, there’s an easier alternative: Done ADHD medication. Our simple telehealth services make it possible to get ADHD meds online. We’ll connect you to one of our licensed ADHD clinicians so you can discuss your symptoms and get a prescription for ADHD medication online. It’s easy and affordable, and it makes ADHD treatment for adults much more accessible.






