Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most highly recommended holistic strategies for ADHD management. In fact, it’s ability to benefit adults with ADHD is supported by clinical results and research evidence.

CBT is a type of psychotherapy which focuses on changing negative thought patterns. You can think of it like training your brain to overcome self-critical thinking. In CBT, people with ADHD learn how to recognize when they’re having distorted, pessimistic thoughts and replace them with more realistic and optimistic ones. In addition, CBT offers strategies for overcoming practical challenges related to ADHD, like poor time management and procrastination.

Stress Management

Stress is often a trigger for ADHD symptoms. Chronic stress in particular can make symptom worse or even cause detrimental changes to the brain in the prefrontal cortex, which is the same area affected by ADHD. Learning how to manage stress effectively is one of the best holistic strategies for ADHD.

There are a number of different ways you can minimize stress, like exercising, journaling, listening to music, or taking a warm bath. Some of the stress-reducing activities which have been found to be most effective in reducing ADHD symptoms include meditation, yoga, and tai chi. What works for one person may not work for another, so try to figure out which relaxation techniques are most effective for you and incorporate them into your daily life.

Time in Nature

Something as simple as just going for a walk can be another great way to manage your ADHD through holistic care. There have been countless studies on the physical and mental health benefits of spending time outside. However, there appear to be some specific perks for people with ADHD.

One study found that children who participated in outdoor activities experienced a reduction in ADHD symptoms. Another study had people with ADHD take 20-minute outdoor walks. The findings showed that those who walked outdoors had improvements in their concentration, and those effects were much more pronounced in people who walked in a park as opposed to a downtown or neighborhood setting.

Diet Changes

Some people with ADHD have experienced improvements in their symptoms when consuming or avoiding certain foods. There isn’t any conclusive evidence about the effectiveness of these methods, so talk to your healthcare provider before making any major changes to your diet, such as:

·        Avoiding sugar, artificial food colorings, and additives

·        Eliminating common allergens, like wheat, eggs, and milk

·        Consuming essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 oils

·        Taking supplements like ginkgo, ginseng, zinc, or magnesium

At Done, we can help you find a holistic approach to ADHD that works for you, including medications along with other strategies for reducing symptoms. Take a free assessment today to get started.










