But among people with ADHD there is a variety of symptoms that appear to be common and consistent - even across different types of ADHD, which include inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive.

For example, here is a list compiled of the top 10 as observed by researchers and experienced by people with ADHD:

  1. Unable to sit still, particularly in a calm or quiet environment
  2. Largely unable to wait their turn and be patient
  3. Excessive talking and physical movement (including fidgeting)
  4. Acting without thinking or interrupting conversations
  5. Difficulty concentrating on specific tasks and goals
  6. Emotional outburst or tendencies
  7. Disorganization and finding it hard to prioritize
  8. Inability to plan ahead or be proactive
  9. Poor time management skills
  10. Low tolerance for frustration

It’s important to distinguish between symptoms of ADHD and anxiety - though the two may be linked in certain cases. ADHD is largely about focus and concentration. Whereas anxiety is more about nervousness and fear. There are also some similarities with autism symptoms (specifically around an inability to focus) - another reason to ensure a medical practitioner is involved in your process as soon as possible. 

Symptoms in adults may never fully disappear over time but they can be effectively managed. Start by taking the Done. 1-minute assessment test to learn more.



