Instead of guilting yourself to work nonstop to make up for your ADHD symptoms, try taking a break. Everyone needs to rest once in a while, and the benefits can be both restorative and practical. That’s because taking time for yourself can help you discover the motivation to be productive in the ways that you want to be. Learn more about self-care with ADHD and get inspired with ideas for treating yourself to some much-needed TLC.

Prioritizing Your Well-Being

Managing your ADHD symptoms on a day-to-day basis can be tough. Dealing with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity can throw a wrench into things at any given moment. On top of that, emotional dysregulation can cause your feelings to be especially intense.

It’s important to keep the bigger picture in mind when things get overwhelming. If you aren’t able to prioritize your mental health, these issues will likely continue to worsen. In order to break the stress cycle (in which your ADHD symptoms cause stress and stress worsens your symptoms), you need to find ways to improve your well-being.

This is where self-care comes into play. Despite the fact that the term is often associated with pampering, it’s really about doing things that help you to live well and enjoy better mental and physical health. It doesn’t have to be expensive or luxurious. It simply has to be something you do that is focused on taking good care of yourself.

The Benefits of Self-Care

Practicing self-care has been shown to have a number of positive outcomes. It can help to alleviate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, and decrease the risk of stroke, heart disease, and cancer. Many people have also reported outcomes like greater happiness, enhanced self-confidence, increased productivity, and better sleep.

For people with ADHD, these benefits are especially important since they are already at a higher risk for issues like stress, anxiety and depression. When these issues are alleviated, people with ADHD are better equipped to manage their ADHD. Increased productivity, for example, is a benefit of self-care that can be greatly impactful for an individual with ADHD who finds it hard to get things done.

Self-Care Tips for People with ADHD

The good news about self-care for ADHD is that there are numerous ways to practice it. You don’t have to use all of these methods in order to experience some of the benefits of self-care. Instead, you can find the ones which work best for you and look for ways to incorporate them into your daily life. The following are some of the best ways to practice self-care when you have ADHD:

  • Listen to or play music: Spending some time listening to uplifting songs can boost your mood and enhance relaxation. Studies have also found that playing a musical instrument can improve emotional regulation in people with ADHD.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity is great for your physical and mental health. People with ADHD often find that exercise helps to enhance focus, boost mood, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Get more sleep: Lack of sleep can exacerbate symptoms, so prioritize quality sleep by establishing good sleep hygiene habits, like limiting screen time before bed.
  • Practice mindfulness: Folks with ADHD often find that practicing mindfulness can help to manage stress, regulate emotions, and improve focus.
  • Have an attitude of gratitude: Taking a grateful approach to life can increase self-esteem and encourage positive emotions and healthy relationships.
  • Take time for yourself: Attend to your needs by scheduling some “me time” to indulge in the things that bring you joy or comfort, like engaging in a favorite hobby.

If you feel like you’re getting burnt out in your everyday life, try some of these tips to find relief. A little TLC can go a long way. In addition, consider whether your current ADHD treatment plan is working for you. If you think that a medication adjustment might help, reach out to our team of licensed ADHD clinicians at Done.
