Bluetooth Tracker

People with ADHD often lose track of their belongings. Sometimes, those belongings even show up in unexpected places, like finding a wallet in a drawer or a set of keys in the fridge. This tendency to misplace things can be traced back to a number of common ADHD symptoms, including inattention, disorganization, and forgetfulness.

While treatment can help minimize these symptoms, many people with ADHD still lose things from time to time. A great solution for this is to attach a Bluetooth tracker like the Tile Mate to important belongings. All they need to do is attach the tracker to an item and then download a smartphone app. If they ever need to track down the item, they can open the app and see exactly where the lost object is located. This is the perfect gift for someone with ADHD who likes cool tech devices.

Weighted Blanket

A great gift for someone with ADHD who enjoys (or could benefit from) some self-care is a weighted blanket. It features weighted materials inside that make it heavier than a typical blanket. Options generally range from 5 to 30 pounds, and the recommended weight often corresponds to an individual's body weight. Weighted blankets create an effect of consistent pressure on the body, which some believe creates results similar to deep pressure therapy (DPT). This helps create a feeling of calm and mental stillness, so a weighted blanket is great for relaxation and rest.

Occupational therapists often recommend weighted blankets for people with ADHD. These blankets can help alleviate common ADHD symptoms like distraction, mood swings, and restlessness.

Fidget Toy

A fidget toy is a great budget-friendly gift or stocking stuffer for someone with ADHD. Fidget toys come in a huge variety of designs and styles too, so it's easy to find one that suits the person you have in mind. These handheld gadgets that can be manipulated in different ways. Some toys have a single feature, like a spinner or pop-up bubbles, while others combine multiple features that can be manipulated in different ways.

Fidget toys have become very popular among people with ADHD due to the potential for helping to minimize distraction, anxiety, and restlessness. However, some people find that fidget toys with too many moving parts can be distracting. If you think that might be the case with your gift recipient, consider getting them another kind of sensory toy that can provide focusing and calming effects, such as a stress ball or a worry stone.

Pill Organizer

ADHD medication can be life-changing for someone with the condition. But issues with disorganization can make it challenging for them to stay on top of their medication schedule. If you know someone with ADHD who struggles with this, consider getting them a high-tech pill organizer as a gift.

It's important to take ADHD medication doses at specific times, so you may even want to choose a pill organizer with a timer. This way, they can easily load up the medication they'll need for the entire week and then set the timer. Alarms will go off to tell them when to take their medication, and the pre-loaded slots for pills eliminate the guesswork on what to take and when. Having built-in reminders on a pill organizer can be especially important for an ADHDer who struggles with forgetfulness and time management.

Noise-Canceling Headphones

Distractions can be one of the most difficult things for people with ADHD to overcome. When they're trying to work, for example, noises in the office or the home can quickly pull attention away from the task at hand. However, someone with ADHD can't expect everyone around them to remain silent just so they can concentrate.

That's why noise-canceling headphones make such a thoughtful gift for someone with ADHD. These devices are popular among the general population for their silencing effects, but they can be especially useful for someone who struggles with inattentiveness and distraction. Noise-canceling headphones produce frequencies that cancel out other noises in the surrounding area, which makes it much easier to pay attention. A good pair of these headphones will be not only effective at reducing background noise, but also be comfortable to wear and easy to use. Many options today also have cool features like wireless designs, vibrant colors, and excellent sound quality for listening to music that make them feel more like a fun and exciting gift even though they can be very practical in nature.

Products like these make great gifts for anyone with ADHD. However, it's important to remember that no device or gadget will be as effective at managing symptoms as clinician-supervised ADHD treatment. If you're struggling with ADHD symptoms, reach out to Done and we'll connect you with one of our providers to determine whether you have the condition and what type of treatment will work best for you.


