Fortunately, there are tools that can help. In addition to getting quality ADHD treatment from a licensed clinician, you can look to technology to boost your productivity. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at how technology can help people with ADHD be productive and provide suggestions for some of the best tech tools to try.

Problems with Productivity

We all know that ADHD can make it tough to concentrate, especially when you're stressed. But the ripple effects may be more significant than you think.

Productivity problems can be especially evident in the workplace. In one study by the World Health Organization, adults with untreated ADHD lost an average of 22 days of productivity per year at work. Another study found that employees with ADHD are 30% more likely to have chronic issues with employment and 60% more likely to be fired from their job. In addition, they're three times more likely to quit a job impulsively compared to employees without ADHD.

Obviously, the potential to lose their income is enough to get most people with ADHD concerned about their productivity skills. But there are also pitfalls when it comes to being productive in other areas of life. Adults with ADHD often find it difficult to stay on top of chores, bills, schedules, and other items on the to-do list at home. This can also cause serious ripple effects, like forgetting to pay an electric bill and losing power.

How Can Technology Help People with ADHD?

Computers, phones, and other devices can all serve as useful tools in combating productivity pitfalls with ADHD. Digital tools like smartphone apps can be implemented to help people with this disorder stay organized and focused. When used correctly, it's almost like having an assistant who helps to remind you what you need to be working on and blocks out other distractions so you can concentrate.

One thing to be aware of is the potential for technology to serve as a distraction in and of itself. While an app on your phone might be useful for boosting your productivity, it won't actually be effective if every time you go to use it, you just end up scrolling on social media or browsing the internet for an hour.

If these types of online distractions affect your ability to use tech tools for productivity, consider scheduling specific times to limit access to other apps or websites via software, apps, or settings on your devices. You can also set your phone to "do not disturb" to silence any notifications that might pop up while you focus on the task at hand.

Top Tech Tools for ADHD Productivity

If you're interested in the potential for technology to help improve your productivity, it's time to start testing out your options. The following are some of the tech tools which can be most helpful for someone with ADHD-related productivity challenges.  

Noise-canceling headphones

A simple device that can make a major impact on your focus is noise-canceling headphones. The technology for headphones has come a long way in recent years, and noise-canceling designs are able to effectively reduce ambient sounds from your environment. This way, you can enjoy a quiet workspace even in a crowded open office layout, or you can play music quietly to help you focus.

Speech-to-text software

Have trouble keeping your train of thought when you have to type it out? Speech-to-text software can help you stay on track when you're trying to get your ideas on paper (or in this case, a computer screen). This is a versatile type of technology that can be used for much more than just writing up long reports. It can also be useful for replying to emails, jotting down notes, creating a to-do list, and more.

To-do list apps

Speaking of to-do lists, the simple act of making one can be a good source of motivation for someone with ADHD. In addition to the satisfaction of checking things off the list as they're finished (providing that much-desired dopamine rush), it also helps to organize various tasks and prevent important items from being forgotten. Try a to-do list app like TickTick or to stay on track and get reminders when important tasks need to be completed.

Technology can be an excellent tool to help in managing your ADHD and mental health. However, you'll get the best results if you're also following a treatment plan that includes medication and other symptom management strategies, like therapy or mindfulness techniques. Done can help by providing convenient telehealth appointments with board-certified ADHD clinicians who walk you through each step and prescribe the right treatment to suit your unique needs. Learn more in our ADHD guide or get started with a simple one-minute online assessment.

